There’s a new petition circling around we hope will finally shake things up at and was Created By Erin Twombly of Brookline, NH.
Won’t you please take a moment and read on what it’s about?
From Erin Twombly at
For years, authors on the site have been posting stories, and putting a lot of time into them. As of June 4th, 2012, stories with sexual or overly violent content will be taken down. It is understood that many stories with sexual content or "lemon" as it is often referred to may not necessarily belong in the M rated category, but that does not mean they should all be taken down. There is no reason why cannot add an MA rating so that those stories can be rated properly.
Authors have put a lot of time into writing those stories, and though some people may consider them too racy, it is widely known by all readers on the site that if a story is rated M there will be heavy sexual content. Those people can choose not to read it if they feel uncomfortable.
It is not right to ban stories of that nature, it is an issue if freedom of speech to take down stories like that. Unnecessary censorship of graphic stories is not right when there can simply be an MA rating added. Those stories can all be transfered to the higher rating and everyone would be happy.
If does follow through with taking down these stories, it needs to be understood that the site will be losing a large amount of it's members who have put in a lot of time and effort to make this site what it is today.
Please sign this to help us keep the right to our stories.
Sincerely, writers of fanfiction.
If you’d like to make a difference, head on over to and sign the petition today!
Let your voice be heard!
There is also another petition Created By Charlotte Weatherly for the same reasons!
Please support this cause and sign either petition today!
Thank you :)
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