I just read a post today at TechCrunch that starting in June, you can start selling your fan fiction via Amazon using kindle worlds!
Part of the proceeds will go to you, but also to the original author (as well as Amazon’s cut). The article states Amazon is in talks to buy certain licenses for TV, book, and movies to offer a variety of worlds for fan fic authors to play in.
Now Amazon is introducing a way to let writers profit from their fan fiction, via “Kindle Worlds.” Worlds joins Kindle Singles and Kindle Serials as a way for authors to earn money from digital publishing, and the best part is that in this case you don’t even have to be all that creative – the idea is to let fans create stories around original properties from other authors, offering them up for purchase on the Kindle book store. Amazon then pays out royalties to both the original rights holder, as well as to the fan fiction author, with the author making around 35 percent of all net revenue for works over 10,000 words.
What about it? Are you willing to make some $$ off your SVM fan fiction (if it’s available) and line CH’s pockets with more cash?
Read the entire article by clicking here!
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